Our Programs



Our community activation program has a huge impact across a diverse range of community members and many of the communities we work with have us back year after year with the aim to build enough skill within their area that they can continue to make a difference and look after each other long after we are gone. 

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"I was apprehensive and nervous, mainly because I was unsure how this would work. I wasn't sure how I was gonna give meaningful input. But as soon as we started I was immediately at ease and impressed at the openness of the other blokes. As men we bottle things up occasionally, and then we become overwhelmed and erupt. This workshop helped me understand that we need to ask our mates the tough questions, and taught us how to ask those questions."

- Blokes Night Participant


Our Community Programs


What Communities are Saying

"I wanted to mention that I have been stopped in the main street three times just this morning because of how good the workshop was! It has all been amazing feedback, thank you! Everyone has mentioned that it was completely different from the men’s workshops they’ve been to in the past. And that they took away a lot from the night. It is really impressive what you guys do, and our community so appreciates that you were able to be with us in Morawa last week. I sense that it won’t be Tomorrow Man’s last visit to our region."

- Community Organiser



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Get in touch to book a workshop.